TUITION: Tuition is due in full on the first class of each month. A $15 late fee will be assessed if tuition is not paid by the 10th of the month. The number of classes may vary per month but payment for the term is divided into 35 equal payments. Tuition is based on the season and is not adjusted due to cancellations or absences. If the office is not notified within 30 days that you will be dropping the class, you are responsible for the tuition for that month. We now have 3 options for payments 1) Monthly 2) Full Semester @ 10% discount 3) Full Year @12% discount.
ATTENDANCE: Arrive to class on time. The first 15 minutes are essential to a proper warm up. Attendance is taken at every class. If your child will not be able to attend his or her scheduled class, please contact the studio in advance. There are no refunds or credits for missed classes. BMDC requires a “30-Day Written Drop Notice” which is strictly enforced. This notice must be received before the first of the month PRIOR to the month dropping. Failure to give notice will result in full payment for one month of tuition. I have read and agree to comply with this requirement. We accept cash, checks, Visa, Mastercard and Discover.
ABSENTEEISM: Attendance is extremely important to the development of the student. If a student misses a class, there is no refund given. However, students are allowed to make-up the class in another comparable class. Please contact the office to find an appropriate make-up class.
INCLEMENT WEATHER: Families should call BMDC one hour prior to the start of their student’s class in regards to inclement weather. If Burlington has cancelled school for the day BMDC will close. We will post on the Website and Facebook page. If it begins snowing after school hours please check the website or call the school. Should BMDC cancel classes due to weather, students are welcome to take a make-up class. It is the responsibility of the parents to schedule a time to bring them. There is no refund given.
DROP/ADD CLASS: If a student drops/adds a class, the office needs to be informed immediately. There is a no refund policy for money paid in advance or in full. If the office is not informed, billing will continue.
OBSERVATION: Observation is allowed only through our waiting room viewing area. All other viewing can cause a distraction to our younger dancers.
RECITAL: All students are welcome to participate in our end of the year recital (in June). Students are not required to participate. However, most students choose to participate. Our recitals are 75-90 minutes long making it comfortable for everyone to view the show. This is a very positive experience for our dancers! They are able to show their families what they have learned and feel like a star!
CLASS SIZE: The size of the class depends on the age of the students. Class size will be established to ensure the optimum learning environment for students to excel in their training.
REGISTRATION: Students may register by mail, email, in person or by phone Registration by mail or email will be confirmed with a phone call from a staff member. Registration includes an annual, non-refundable fee of $30 per family. Early registration is recommended to ensure a place in the appropriate class. The first month's tuition and registration fee are due upon registering for classes. Please note that any outstanding balances must be paid in full before your child can register.